Sui generis amicae usque ad aras
If you are anything like the current Sigma Delt sisterhood, you will have absolutely no idea what this means. Latin is, as we all know, so passé. Our disgust with our motto only grew when our Classics majors concluded that “aras” meant “altar of death/marriage” — two concepts most Sigma Delts don’t want to be reminded of on a regular basis.
Upon further research, though, we’ve found that our motto is actually pretty cool. But, it should be read with some sort of punctuation in the middle (something like: “Sui generis; amicae usque ad aras”).
Sui generis + Amicae usque ad aras = One of a kind; friends ’til the end.
So, our motto reflects pretty neatly a lot of what Sigma Delt prides itself on as an organization: acceptance of all sisters as individuals, and the creation of lasting friendships.
I guess it’ll do.
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